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🐤 First time joining

Getting your plutonium user id

When joining the CPL ranked play system for the first time, you will need to link you plutonium account with your discord account.

To do so, you need to retrieve your plutonium id from the plutonium API.

You can do so by going to<your_username>, and copy the uid field.

find your plutonium id

Registering your account

Once you have retrieved your plutonium user id, you can register to CPL ranked system by heading to the register channel on discord, and typing:

/register <your_plutonium_uid> (1)
  1. Your plutonium id is the uid that you recovered in the previous step

register your account for league play

Smurfs and registering multiple plutonium accounts

We do not allow smurfs on ranked play, we will ban smurf accounts without further notice. Recidiving might also get your main account banned from cpl altogether.

Unlinking/Relinking your plutonium account

In the event that you want to unlink your plutonium account from the current discord account it is associated to (if, for example you changed discord account), You will need to open a ticket, which will be reviewed by a staff member